Delivery & Returns

Delivery & Returns


Orders are prepared and dispatched Monday to Friday. If any items are unavailable, the shipping time may be modified. Availability delays will be communicated. 

Delivery time is estimated according to the shipping option. We offer 2 delivery options for all orders:

- Economy $6+ (5-8 days)

- Standard $8+ (3-4 days)

- Standard Free Shipping on purchases over $100 (3-4 days)

We do not take responsibility once the order has been marked as delivered by the shipping carrier.


If the purchase made does not meet your expectations, you can return it for a refund within 7 days of receiving your order. SALE ITEMS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR EXCHANGE or RETURN.

Returned items must be in their original condition and unworn. Upon receipt of the return, Tichels4u reserves the right to deny it if the item/s does not meet the return policy requirements. 

Return Fee: A $6 Shipping and handling fee will be deducted from your refund. 

Return Procedure: A return form needs to be filled out. Once the return is authorized, you will receive a return label by e-mail. Please note: The returns need to be shipped within 7 days upon the return approval. 

Thank you!